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07/09/2011 16.52.20
Universities & Research Institutes )
- Chemistry
Departments in the U.K. (lista ufficiale aggiornata)
- Anglia Polytechnic University
- Belfast, Queen's University
- Aston University
- Birkbeck
College, University of London (Department of Chemistry)
- Birkbeck College, University of
London (Department of Crystallography)
- Birkbeck's
Protein Database mirror
- Brookes University, Oxford
- Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
- Davy Faraday Research Laboratory at the
Royal Institution
- De Montfort University
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Heriot-Watt
- Heriot-Watt
University, Learning Technology Dissemination Initiative
- Heriot-Watt University, Physics
- Interdisciplinary Research Centre in
Polymer Science and Technology, Durham
- Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine London
- Imperial College, Biochemistry
- Imperial College, CLIC
Consortium, Electronic Journal Project
- Imperial College, IRC in Semiconductor Materials
- Imperial College, Mapping a Chemical Structure
- Imperial
College, MIME types for chemistry
- Imperial College, Physics
- Imperial College, Process Systems
- Institute of Freshwater Ecology
- Institute of Hydrology
- Institute of Terrestrial Ecology
- Institute of Virology and Environmental
- International Global Atmospheric
Chemistry (IGAC) Project
- International
University Chemistry Departments
- John Moores University (Liverpool)
- Keele University
- King's College, London
- King's College, London, Quantum Chemistry Group
- Kingston University
- Leeds Metropolitan
- Liverpool High Pressure
- Liverpool, John Moores University
- London University, The School of Pharmacy
- Loughborough
- Manchester
Metropolitan University
- Napier University
- Newi, University of Wales
- North East Wales
Institute of Higher Education, University of Wales
- Nottingham Trent University
- Nottingham
Trent University, Network for Chemistry Teaching
- Open University
- Open University TV guide for Chemistry
- Optoelectronics Research Centre
- Paisley
- Queen Mary & Westfield College, University
of London
- Queen Mary &
Westfield College, University of London, IUPAC Database of Organic Chemical
- Queen Mary & Westfield
College, University of London, Department of Chemistry
- Queen
Mary & Westfield College, University of London, Physics
- Robert Gordon University
- Royal Holloway,
University of London
- Salford
University College
- Sheffield
Hallam University
- South Bank University (London)
- St Andrews University
- The Queen's University of Belfast
- UK Computational Chemistry Working
- UMIST, Corrosion & Protection Centre
- UMIST, Physics
- University College London
- University College London, Biomolecular Structure and Modelling Group
- University of Aberdeen
- University of
Aberdeen, Biochemistry
- University of
Aberdeen, Physics
- University of Abertay (Dundee)
- University of
- University of Aberystwyth, Chemometrics
- University of Aberystwyth, Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry
- University of Bangor
- University of Bath
- University of Birmingham
- University of
Birmingham, Biochemistry
- University of
Birmingham, Physics
- University of
Bradford, Chemical Engineering
- University of Brighton
- University of Bristol
- University of Bristol, Biochemistry
- University of Bristol, Chemometrics
- University
of Bristol, Colloid
- University of Bristol, Diamond CVD
- University of
Bristol, Electron Magnetic Resonance
- University of Bristol, Molecule of the month
- University of Bristol, Physics
- University of Brunel
- University of
Brunel, Physics
- University of Cambridge
- University of Cambridge, Crystallographic Data Centre
- University of
Cambridge, Pharmacology, Drug Design Group
- University of
Cambridge, Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP database)
- University of Canterbury
- University of Cardiff
- University of Coventry
- University of Derby
- University of Dundee
- University of Durham
- University of
Durham, Interactive Particle Reaction Database
- University of Durham,
IRC Polymer Science and Technology
- University of Durham,
- University of Durham, Theoretical Chemistry
- University of East Anglia
- University of Edinburgh
- University of
Edinburgh, Organic chemistry
- University of Edinburgh, Physics
- University of
Edinburgh, ZEKE
- University of Essex, Biological
and Chemical Sciences
- University of Essex,
- University of Exeter, Chemistry
- University of Exeter, Physics
- University of
- University of Glasgow
- University of Greenwich
- University of Heriot-Watt
- University of
- University of Huddersfield
- University of Hull
- University of Hull, Computational chemistry
- University of
Hull, Centre for teaching and learning support
- University of Hull,
- University of Keele
- University of
- University of Lancaster: Department of Chemistry
- University of Lancaster,
School of Physics and Chemistry
- University of
Lancaster, Polymer Centre
- University of Leeds, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- University
of Leeds, Chemical MIME project
- University of
Leeds, Department of Colour Chemistry
- University of Leeds:ICAMS
- University of Leeds, IRC in Polymer Science and Technology
- University of
Leeds, Novel applications of the Web
- University of Leeds,
- University of
Leeds: School of Chemistry
- University of Leicester
- University of Leicester,
- University of Leicester,
- University of Liverpool
- University of Liverpool, Computers
in Teaching Initiative (CTI): Centre for Chemistry
- University of
Liverpool, Electrochemistry
- University of
Liverpool, IRC in in Surface Science
- University of Liverpool, Physics
- University of Liverpool, Theoretical chemistry
- University of
Liverpool, WWW Links for Chemists
- University of
Loughborough: Department of Chemistry
- University of Luton
- University of Manchester
- University of
Manchester, Biological Sciences
- University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology
- University of
Manchester, Geology
- University of Manchester, Physics
- University of Manchester, Structural Chemistry
- University of Middlesex, Pharmacy
- University of Middlesex, School of Health, Biological and Environmental
- University of Newcastle
- University of North London
- University of Northumbria
- University of Nottingham,
Department of Chemistry
- University of Nottingham, Spectroscopy and Dynamics
- University of Nottingham, Physics
- University of Oxford, Faculty of
- University of Oxford, Biochemistry
- University of Oxford, Centre for Molecular Sciences
- University of Oxford, Chemistry Information Technology
- University of Oxford, DDT
- University of
Oxford, Ferrocene
- University of Oxford,
Inorganic Chemistry
- University of
Oxford, On-line lecture courses (inorganic chemistry)
- University of Oxford, Organic Chemistry
- University of
Oxford, Oxford's Virtual Chemistry Laboratory
- University of Oxford, Physical and
Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory
- University of Paisley
- University of Plymouth
- University of
Portsmouth, Department of Chemistry
- University of
Portsmouth, Department of Pharmacy
- University of
Portsmouth, Department of Physics
- University of Reading
- University of St Andrews
- University of Salford
- University of Sheffield
- University of
Sheffield, ChemDex
- University of Sheffield, Chemical and Process Engineering
- University of Sheffield, Earth Sciences
- University of Sheffield, Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
- University of Sheffield, Physics
- University of
Sheffield, UK Chemistry Webmaster list
- University of Sheffield, WebElements - the periodic table
- University of Southampton,
Chemistry Department
- University
of Staffordshire
- University of Staffordshire, Centre For Environmental Technology and Waste
- University of Stirling
- University of
- University
of Strathclyde, Interprobe Chemical Services
- University of
- University of Sunderland, Chemistry Web Tests
- University of Surrey
- University of Sussex
- University of
Sussex, Fullerenes
- University of Sussex (Chemical Physical
and Environmental Sciences)
- Unioversity of Sussex, SPRU - Science
and Technology Policy Research
- University of Swansea
- University of Teesside
- University of Ulster
- University of Wales at
- University of Wales at
- University of Wales at
- University of Warwick
- University of the West
of England
- University of
Westminster (London)
- University of
- University of York
- University of York, NMR
- University of York, Physics
- Welsh School of Pharmacy
Totale sezione: 218 siti