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Didattica della Chimica

I Siti della Chimica

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Aggiornamento: 13/01/2017 10.52.20

SOCIETA' e LABORATORI ( A - L ) ( Chemical Industries & Laboratories A - L )

  1. 3D Biochem Inc.
  2. 3M Pharmaceuticals
  3. AAE Chemie NV
  4. AAE Micron Metals Inc.
  5. ABC Laboratories
  6. AB Wilh. Becker
  7. Acacia Biosciences Inc.
  8. Acmos Chemie
  9. Acolyte Science Consultancy
  10. ACROS Organics
  11. AdhesivesMart
  12. Adis International Ltd.
  13. Advanced Instruments Inc.
  14. Advanced Material Resources Ltd.
  15. Advanced Research Systems
  16. Aerojet Fine Chemicals
  17. Aerotek Scientific Staffing
  18. AFChemPharm
  19. Affymetrix
  20. Agan Chemical Manufacturers Ltd.
  21. AG Scientific
  22. AKM Rubber Chemicals
  23. Alcon Laboratories
  24. AllerDays
  25. Alphalas GmbH
  26. ALPS Industries Ltd.
  27. American Vacuum
  28. Ametek Instruments
  30. Amstar Lubricants
  31. Analect Instruments Inc.
  32. Analytica Group
  33. Analytical Instruments and Laboratory Equipment
  34. Analyticon Instruments Co.
  35. Andersen Instruments Inc.
  36. Anderson Lasers
  37. Anirox Pigments Ltd.
  38. Apex Chemical Co.
  39. Aphton Biopharmaceuticals Corp.
  40. Apple Science Engineering and Design
  41. Appleton Woods
  42. Arakawa Chemical Inc.
  43. ARCO Chemical Company
  44. Ares-Serono Pharmaceuticals
  45. Argonaut Technologies
  46. Argus Chimica
  47. ArQule
  48. ASG Analytik Service Gesellschaft
  49. ASOMA Instruments Inc.
  50. Aurora Fine Chemicals Ltd
  51. Ausimont
  52. Aventis Research & Technologies GmbH
  53. Axys Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  54. Baker Petrolite
  55. Ballard Power Systems Inc.
  56. Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
  57. Barr Laboratories Inc.
  58. Bausch & Lomb Pharmaceuticals
  59. Bayer Corporation Pharmaceutical Division
  60. Bayer Japan
  61. Beckman Instruments, Inc.
  62. Becton Dickinson Biosciences
  63. Bimax Chemicals Ltd
  64. BioChem Pharma Inc.
  65. Biodeg Chemical Co.
  66. BioMetics Inc.
  67. Biometra
  68. BioPortfolio Ltd.
  69. BioSpace
  70. Biosynth
  71. BioTuL - Bio Instruments GmbH
  72. Blue Frog Chemicals
  73. BOC Sciences
  74. Bodanchimica s.r.l.
  75. Bollettino Università e Ricerca s.r.l.
  76. Bomem Instruments
  77. Bookham Technology
  78. Borealis Technical
  79. Borer Chemie AG
  80. Borolabs
  81. BP-Amoco
  82. Brewer Science Inc.
  83. British Biocell International Ltd.
  84. British Salt
  85. British Sugar
  86. Bruchsaler Farben
  87. BYK Gulden
  88. CA Chemists Inc.
  89. California Pacific Lab.
  90. Caltex
  91. Cambridge Molecular Technologies Ltd.
  92. Cambridge Scientific Computing, Inc.
  93. Canadian Chemical Producers Association (CCPA)
  94. Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd.
  95. Carey Industries Inc.
  96. Cargill Chemicals
  97. Carl Roth GmbH
  98. Casil S.A.
  99. Catalyst BioMedica Ltd.
  100. Cater Chemicals
  101. CECA
  102. Cecil Instruments Ltd.
  103. Celanese Canada
  104. Chang Chun Petrochemical
  105. ChemBid
  106. ChemCompass
  107. Chemcrux
  108. Chemdex Co.
  109. ChemDiv CSC
  110. ChemExpo industry news
  111. ChemFinder
  112. Chemetall GmbH
  113. ChemicalAnalysis.com
  114. Chemical Manufacturers Association
  115. Chemical Online
  116. ChemiePark Bitterfeld-Wolfen GmbH
  117. Cheminova Holding
  118. ChemNet
  119. ChemScope
  120. Chemtec Publishing
  121. China's Chemical companies
  122. China National Chemical Construction Co.
  123. CH Instruments Inc.
  124. Chlor-Chemicals
  125. Ciba-Geigy AG Basel
  126. Ciba Specialty Chemicals
  127. CIC Photonics Inc.
  128. Combi-Blocks
  129. ComGenex Inc. Biochemicals
  130. Conacom Italia sas
  131. Conatus Co.
  132. Contract Chemicals
  133. Coultron Research Products
  134. CP Pharmaceuticals
  135. Craft Technologies Inc.
  136. CRONY Instruments
  137. Cuas-Benfer Chimica
  138. CyberChemics Inc. Biopharmaceuticals
  139. Cytec Industries
  140. Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
  141. Daily Polymer Co. Ltd.
  142. Dainippon Pharmaceutical
  143. Daiso Co. Ltd. Chemicals
  144. Dankong Industry
  145. DataApex Ltd.
  146. Davos Chemical Co.
  147. D & D Chemical Inc.
  148. DEA Mineraloel AG
  149. DeForest Enterprises Inc.
  150. De Nora S.p.a.
  151. Detco Chemicals Ind.
  152. Deutsches Lackinstitut GmbH
  153. DGI BioTechnologies
  154. DH-Oberflächentechnik GmbH
  155. Diablo Analytical
  156. Diagnostic Chemicals Limited
  157. D&L Industries Inc.
  158. Dollmar Chemicals
  159. DongDa Chemical Industry Group
  160. Dongyang Chemical
  161. Dover Chemical Corp.
  162. Dow Chemical Company
  163. Dr Balsano Chimica Industriale
  164. Dr. Paul Lohmann Chemicals GmbH
  165. Drew Scientific Group PLC
  166. Duke Scientific Corp.
  167. Du Pont Homepage
  168. Dynal
  169. EDAX Inc.
  170. Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.
  171. Eisai Co. Ltd.
  172. ElectraMed Instruments
  173. Element Analysis Co.
  174. Elf Lubricants
  175. EMCO Instruments GmbH
  176. E.M. Science
  177. Environnement S.A.
  178. Epichem Ltd.
  179. Epoxy Industries Pvt. Ltd.
  180. Equistar Chemical Company
  181. ESPI-Metals
  182. Esprit Chemical Co.
  183. European Coatings Net
  184. Eutech Instruments Ltd.
  185. Exclusive Chemistry
  186. F2 Chemicals Ltd.
  187. Fachverband der chemischen Industrie Osterreich
  188. Fels Ltd.
  189. Ferryaward Ltd.
  190. Feyco AG
  191. FFFractionation Instruments
  192. FIBRO System AB
  193. Finornic Chemicals (India)
  194. Fisher Scientific
  195. Fisher Scientific UK
  196. Flinn Scientific Inc.
  197. Fluorochem Ltd.
  198. Fluorogas Limited
  199. Frinton Laboratories
  200. Frontier Scientific Chemicals Inc.
  201. Fuchs Petrolub AG
  202. Fueltreat Australia
  203. Fujisawa GmbH
  204. Fuji Silsyia Chemicals
  205. Gadiv Petrochemical Industries Ltd.
  206. Galen Pharmaceuticals
  207. Galileo Co.
  208. Gamry Instruments Inc.
  209. Garuda Chemicals
  210. Gaylord Chemical Corp.
  211. Gerhardt Instruments
  212. Gearing Scientific
  213. Gelest Inc.
  214. GenDerm Co. Pharmaceuticals
  215. General Química S.A.
  216. Genser Scientific Instruments
  217. GenTech Scientific Inc.
  218. Geopolymer Institute
  219. Georg Thieme Verlag - ChemistryGerstel GmbH
  220. GFS Chemicals Inc.
  221. Gilson Instruments
  222. Glasschimica Laboratories (Modena)
  223. GlaxoWellcome
  224. Glen Spectra Reference Materials
  225. Global Chemicals
  226. Glycosynth Biochemicals
  227. Golchha Pigments Private Limited
  228. Great Lakes Chemical Corp.
  229. Grizzly Analytical
  230. GSA Resources Inc.
  231. H2O2.com
  232. Harcros Chemicals
  233. Hamamatsu Photonics
  234. Hanna Instruments
  235. Hangzhou Changlong Chemical Co.
  236. Harima
  237. Harriman Chemsult Ltd.
  238. Hays Distillation Services
  239. Hawker Energy Products Inc.
  240. Heidolph Elektro GmbH
  241. Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG
  242. Hellma GmbH
  243. Hema Chemical Co.
  244. Herberts Industrielacke
  245. Herberts GmbH
  246. Hersil S.A. Pharmaceuticals
  247. Heterene Inc.
  248. Hewlett Packard
  249. Hewlett Packard, Chemical Analyst Peak
  250. Hickson International
  251. Hidex Oy Instruments
  252. High Technology Chemicals
  253. Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co.
  254. Histo Line Laboratories
  255. Hoechst AG
  256. Hoechst Homepage
  257. Hong Kong International Chemical Sciences
  258. Horiba Instruments
  259. Horizon Instrument Group
  260. Horsta Chemicals Co.
  261. HP Chemical Analysis
  262. H&S Chemical Co. Inc.
  263. ICC Chemical Corp.
  264. ICD GmbH
  265. ICI Chlor-Chemicals
  266. ICSC - World Laboratory
  267. Imetal Chemicals
  268. India Industrie Chimiche s.p.a.
  269. Indigo Instruments
  270. Indofine Chemical Co. Inc.
  271. Industrie Chimiche Barbini S.P.A.
  272. InfoBiotech Canada
  273. InPharm.com
  274. Infrared Analysis Inc.
  275. InPhotonics
  276. Instruments S.A. Ltd.
  277. Integrated Environmental Management Inc.
  278. IntelliSense Co.
  279. International Chemical Co.
  280. International Laboratory Services Ltd.
  281. International Murex Technologies Co.
  282. International Science & Technology Associates Inc.
  283. Intoximeters Inc.
  284. Invektra Green AB
  285. Invensys
  286. ION Science
  287. Iontrack Instruments
  288. IUL Instruments
  289. iXRF Systems Inc.
  290. Humble Instruments
  291. Hydronautics (membrane per osmosi inversa)
  292. Jadco Chemical Ltd.
  293. Jannsen-Kyowa Co. Ltd.
  294. John Morris Scientific
  295. Jungbunzlauer AG
  296. Karo Kemi A/S
  297. KEBO Lab
  298. Kellogg Brown & Root
  299. Kevex Instruments
  300. Konica Chemical Co.
  301. Kratos Analytical
  302. Kureha Chemicals
  303. KVB-Enertec Instruments
  304. Kyorin Pharmaceutical
  305. Kyowa Chemicals
  306. JBL Scientific Inc.
  307. Jinhua Dyestuff Chemical Co. Ltd.
  308. Juhua Group Co.
  309. LabAlliance
  310. LabDeals
  311. Lab Safety Supply
  312. LabScan
  313. Labconco Co.
  314. LabControl GmbH
  315. Laboratory Staffing Inc.
  316. Labor Chimica Srl
  317. LabSystems
  318. Laporte AlphaGary Ltd.
  319. Leo Electron Microscopy
  320. Lexi-Comp Inc.
  321. Leybold-Didactic
  322. Leybold-Didactic, Chemistry
  323. LG Chemicals
  324. LKT Labs.
  325. Lifa s.r.l.
  326. Linde AG
  327. Linn High Therm
  328. Lion Bioscience AG
  329. Lionheart Technologies Inc.
  330. Liver Grease, Oil & Chemical Co. Ltd.
  331. Lloyd Instruments
  332. LOBA Feinchemie AG
  333. Lomapharm - Rudolf Lohmann GmbH
  334. L'Oreal Research
  335. Lorex Industries Inc.
  336. Lundberg Laboratory
  337. Luzenac America
  338. LW Scientific


Totale sezione: 338 siti
Sommario dei Siti


Aggiornamento: 13-GEN-2017 11:00
©Didattica della Chimica- http://www.bisceglia.eu/chimica