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SOFTWARE CHIMICO ( Chemical Software )

  1. 2D-Plots of chemical structures on demand
  2. 3E Company (MSDS Software)
  3. ACDLabs
  4. ACDLabs Educational Chemical Software Page
  5. Acid-Base Equilibrium Calculator
  6. ActivChemistry Software
  7. Alkane
  8. AMBER: Molecular simulation tools
  9. AMPAC: Semiempirical quantum mechanical methods
  10. AMPP Home Page
  11. AMSOL: Calcolatore per le energie libere di solvatazione in acqua
  12. Anaconda
  14. Apex-3D
  15. Arbeitskreis Computer im Chemieunterricht
  16. Argus
  17. Aromatic
  18. ARSoftware's Online Internet Catalog
  19. ASAD
  20. ASK-SISY Software database
  21. Asp
  22. Atomic Orbitals CD
  23. Atoms, Symbols, and Equations
  24. AtomWorld
  25. AutoDock
  26. Babel: convertitore di files
  27. BioRad
  28. Blast
  29. Bohr Atom
  30. CACAO 4.0 Computer Aided Organic Chemistry
  31. Cache Products
  32. CACTVS
  33. CADPAC
  34. CambridgeSoft Corporation
  35. Camo ASA (Multivariate Analysis software)
  37. CASTEP
  38. Catalyst
  39. CCP5: simulazioni in fase liquida e solida
  40. Cerius2: modellazione e simulazione molecolare
  41. Chem1Ware Ltd.
  42. ChemACX (CambridgeSoft)
  43. ChemAxon
  44. ChemBalance Wizard
  45. ChemCAI: Instructional Software for Chemistry
  46. ChemCOM Group
  47. ChemDraw
  48. CheMentor (Macintosh)
  49. ChemEQL 2.0
  50. ChemFinder
  51. Chemfont
  52. Chemical Concepts
  53. Chemical Predictor
  54. Cheminnovation
  55. Chemistry 4D-Draw
  56. Chemistry Macros per Microsoft Word per Windows 6.0, 95 e 97.
  57. Chemistry Software Applications / Packages
  58. Chemistry Software Exchange
  59. Chemistry Software (InfoChem)
  60. Chemistry Software Information Page
  61. Chem-It
  62. CHEMIX
  63. ChemKey
  64. ChemLand
  65. Chemlog Educational software
  66. ChemOffice Net
  67. Chemometrics from A to Z
  68. Chempact
  69. ChemPen
  70. Chemscape
  71. ChemSW Inc.
  72. Chemsymphony
  73. Chemware Home Page
  74. ChemWeb
  75. ChemWindow Suite
  76. Chem-X
  77. Cherwell Scientific
  78. Chime
  79. Clustal
  80. Cn3D Protein viewer
  81. Cobra
  83. Combined Higher Education Software Team
  84. Compuchem
  85. CompuDrug
  86. Computational chemical and physics software, University of Florida
  87. Computer Aided Chemistry and Biotechnology Software for Silicon Graphics
  88. CORINA
  89. CrystalDesigner
  90. Crystal Impact
  91. CrystalSoft Corp.
  92. CSSJ SoftwareWorld
  93. Cubic Science
  94. DCL Systems International Ltd
  95. Dalton Quantum Chemistry Program
  96. DataWeld Inc.
  97. Definition of the CXF standard
  98. Delila
  99. DeskTop Laboratories, Inc.
  100. DISCUS: simulazioni cristallografiche
  101. DL POLY: Simulazioni di dinamica molecolare
  102. DMOL
  103. Donley Technology (MSDS Software/Publishing)
  104. DSSP
  105. EduSoft LC
  106. Electrochemistry Software Polar
  107. Electrochemical potential versus pH
  108. Element3
  109. Equilibrium Calculator
  110. EQS4WIN: studio dell'equilibrio chimico
  111. Exceptional Teaching Concepts, Inc.
  112. EyeChem
  113. Falcon Software, Inc.: Educational & Organic Software
  114. Fasta
  115. Formule chimiche: apprendimento mnemonico (in italiano)
  116. Free PC Crystallography Software (University College Galway)
  117. Galaxy: modellatore molecolare
  118. Gamelan's Java Page for Chemistry
  119. GAMESS US: Chimica quantistica
  120. Gaussian 94
  121. Gaussian Information
  122. Gepasi: simulazioni di reazioni chimiche
  123. GIFA
  124. GlaxoWellcome Software
  125. gOpenMol
  126. GPC for Windows
  127. GraphPad
  128. GRASP
  129. Grid 20
  130. HaackerCalc
  131. Hamilton Software
  132. HASL
  133. HINT: modellazione molecolare
  134. HPLC for Windows
  135. Hungry Frog Chemistry
  136. Hyperactive Molecules and the World-Wide Web
  137. Hyperchem
  138. HyperChem Mailing List
  139. HyperCube (HyperChem e HyperNMR)
  140. ID Business Solutions
  141. Illustrated Periodic Table
  142. Imdad
  143. Indice software dell'Universita' di Sheffield
  144. Insight II: modellazione e simulazione molecolare
  145. Instant Reference Sources
  146. Instructional Software for Chemistry
  147. Interprobe Chemical Services
  148. Introductory Multimedia Tutorials For Chemistry & Physics
  149. Iris Explorer Centre
  150. ISIS/Draw
  151. Kekule (Chemical OCR)
  152. KHEM Products
  153. Kinetics Simulation Project
  154. Knowledge Factory
  155. Jandel Scientific
  156. Java applets: Chemical Engineering
  157. Java applets: Material Design
  158. Java applets: Polymerization Simulation
  159. Java applets: Properties Estimation for Organic Compounds
  160. JChemPaint
  161. JMBS Developments
  162. Journal of Chemical Education Software
  163. LabControl Scientific Consulting and Software Development GmbH
  164. Lab Master
  165. LabView
  166. Linux4Chemistry
  167. MacroModel Software
  168. Mathcad in Chemistry
  169. MathMol
  170. MB Research
  171. MDL Information Systems, Inc (MDLI)
  172. MESSKit
  173. MicroMath
  174. Model Science
  175. MODELLER: modellazione proteica
  176. Moil: studio di dinamiche molecolari
  177. Molecular Modelling
  178. MolEdit
  179. MOLCAS
  180. Molcas Homepage (University of Lund)
  181. MOLDEN
  182. Moldy
  183. Molecular Dynamics Simulator
  184. Molecular Weight Calculator
  185. Molecules 3D viewer
  186. MOLGEN
  187. MOLSCAT
  188. Molscript: rendering molecolare in Postscript
  189. MoluCAD: modellazione VRML
  190. MOPAC 7
  191. MORATE
  192. MOTECC-91: studio di dinamiche molecolari
  193. Moviemol: animazione molecolare
  194. MultiSimplex
  195. NAOMI: strutture proteiche
  196. NCSA ChemViz
  197. Nemesis
  198. Netsci Software list
  199. NIH Molecular Modeling Home Page
  200. Nseqtool
  201. Nuclear Chemistry
  202. Nuclear Chemistry at PNL (Software)
  203. NUTS (NMR processing software)
  204. NW-CHEM
  205. Oraxcel SQL*XL
  206. Organic Chemistry - version 2.2
  208. Orgo-Tek 32
  209. ORTEP-III: disegno di strutture di cristalli
  210. Oxford Molecular: modellazione e database proteine
  211. PC PSE - Periodensystem der Elemente
  212. Periodic Table
  213. Periodic Table Bundle v3.0 (Macintosh)
  214. Periodic Table (ReidIt)
  215. Phase equilibrium simulator
  216. PMD: Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulator
  217. Polar 3.3 for Windows: Electrochemical simulation and data analysis
  219. PovChem: grafiche Ray-traced
  220. Prode: Process calculator & chemical process simulator
  221. ProLab Resources
  222. Promod
  223. PROPAK
  224. ProtQuiz
  225. PSI
  226. PTViz Periodic Table Illustrator
  227. QUANTA: modellazione e simulazione macromolecolare
  228. QSAR
  229. RasMol Home Page
  230. Raster3D: modellazione 3D
  231. Re_View
  232. Saps
  233. SciAn
  234. Scientific Computing & Automation
  235. SciTech International Software
  236. Schrodinger Equation
  237. Sculpt: modellazione molecolare
  238. Shape Software
  239. Silicon Graphics - Chemistry & Biological Sciences
  240. SimChemistry for Windows
  241. SIMION
  242. Simulator of voltammograms
  243. SINCRIS Software for Crystallography
  244. SLEUTH
  245. Small World Microanalysis instrument software
  246. Snowbird Software
  247. SoftShell
  248. SoftShell's MMCalc
  249. Software de Quìmica
  250. Software per la chimica
  251. Software Reviews (CTI Centre for Chemistry)
  252. Stereochemistry
  253. Summit Research Services
  254. Sun's eXtended MoleculeViewer
  255. SYNGEN
  256. SymbMath
  257. TeXsan
  258. The NetSci index of academic chemistry software
  259. Theoprax-Research Software
  260. The Periodic Table for Windows (Winpte)
  261. Thistle Publishing (MSDS Software)
  262. Titration simulator
  263. Trinity Software
  264. Tripos, Inc.
  265. TOFWARE: MS data acquisition software
  266. Thru-Put Systems Inc. (Chromatography software)
  267. Tsar
  268. UniChem - TheCray Research quantum chemistry simulation package
  269. UniChem 4.1 (OxMol)
  270. Upstream Solutions Software house
  271. Ural Chemical Calculator
  272. Vibration
  273. Virtual ChemLab
  274. Visualizing Molecules with gOpenMol (University of Utah)
  275. VMD molecular viewer
  276. Vogel Scientific Software, Inc.
  277. Volumetric Analysis - ver 1.1
  278. Wchem v1.4.
  279. Web Educational Support Tools
  280. WebLab: visualizzatore di modelli molecolari
  281. WHATIF: analisi strutture proteiche
  282. Windmill Software Ltd.
  283. WindowChem Software, Inc.
  284. Winmol viewer
  285. WinSmile Plus
  286. Winspec Microwave Spectroscopy Tutor
  287. W.S. Ping Company (Software per polarografia)
  288. XMol V1.5
  289. Yahoo! - Computers and Internet:Software:Scientific:Chemistry
  290. XMol: animazioni molecolari
  291. XPMA/ZORTEP: analisi di strutture cristalline




  1. 3D Molecular Models Workshop
  2. 3D Molecular Models Workshop (MMWi)
  3. A Guide to Structure Prediction:protein
  4. Applications and Methodology of Molecular Simulation in the Physical and Biological Sciences
  5. Beevers Miniature Models Unit
  6. Biomer (Java-based on-line biomolecular modeling package)
  7. C4: Computers in Chemistry at Cabrillo College
  8. CH241S - Computing/Molecular Modelling
  9. Chemical Bonds, Molecular Shapes, and Molecular Models
  10. Chemical Examples of VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language)
  11. Chempen 3D
  12. ChemVis: Chemical visualization on the Internet
  13. Computational Chemistry and Organic Synthesis
  14. ComSpec3D (Università di Erlangen)
  15. Concepts in Science Through Molecular Modeling
  16. Cutting Molecules Down to Size
  17. Dr. Andy Whiting's Molecular Modelling Group.
  18. ECHET96: Dynamic control of topological asymmetry (Abstract/TOC):chem modelling
  19. Guide to Computer-Assisted Drug Design
  20. Java Chemical Sample 3D Molecule Structure Viewer
  21. Library of 3-D Molecular Structures
  22. List of some Molecular Modelling Software
  23. MacroModel
  24. Med. Chem. Feature Molecule
  25. MacroModel: modellazione molecolare organica
  26. Molecular Chimes and Shockwaves:also biochem. of photosynthesis
  27. Molecular Dynamics
  28. Molecular Graphics :applications guide
  29. Molecular Modelling - An Introduction
  30. Molecular Models (over 1000 PDBs)
  31. Molecular Models Visible with Rasmol
  32. Molecular Monte Carlo Home Page
  33. Molecular Movies
  34. Molecular Tutorials using Chemscape Chime from MDL Information Systems
  35. Molecular Viewing Gallery
  36. Molecule of the Month (Bristol University)
  37. Molecule of the Mont ( Imperial College)
  38. Molecule of the Month (Oxford
  39. Molecule of the Month (Prous Science)
  40. Molecule of the Month (Virginia Commonwealth University)
  41. Molecules from Chemistry at Okanagan University College
  42. Molecules in Four Dimensions (Mol4D)
  43. Molecules R Us
  44. NIH Molecular Modelling
  45. NIH Molecules R US Utililty
  46. OrbVis - Calculation and 3D-Visualization of MOs
  47. Organic Chemistry Molecular Models Tutorial at Bluffton College
  48. PDB Lite: Finding Macromolecules
  49. Representation Models in Molecular Graphics
  50. Silicon Graphics Molecular Modelling
  51. Simple, Common, and Interesting Molecules
  52. SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification)
  53. Strukturen der Silikate (VRML)
  54. Ten Popular Prescription Drugs Molecular modelling
  55. THE FORM OF FUNCTION :drug development
  56. The Centre for Molecular Modeling
  57. The NIH Molecular Modeling Home Page
  58. TK 1995 - SGS-Polymers:spatial globular structure
  59. Sun's eXtended MoleculeViewer
  60. Visualizations and Animations done at CSC
  61. VRML 3D-visualisation with xtal-3d for WWW
  62. VRML in Chemistry
  63. VRML File Creator for Chemical Structures
  64. Walsh Cyclopropane Molecular Orbitals
  65. WebMolecules.com



Totale sezione: 357 siti

Sommario dei Siti


Aggiornamento: 17-Lug-2015 14:00
©Didattica della Chimica- http://www.bisceglia.eu/chimica