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RIVISTE e PUBBLICAZIONI ( Journals & Periodicals )

  1. AAAS and Science magazine
  2. ABC News: Science
  3. Academic Press Chemistry Journals
  4. Academic Press: Fundamental and Applied Toxicology
  5. Academic Press: Journal of Magnetic Resonance
  6. ACS Journals and Magazines
  7. Acta Chemica Scandinavica
  8. Acta Chimica Slovenica
  9. Adsorption Journal
  10. Advanced Materials
  11. Advanced Materials & Processes
  12. A Focus on Chlorine Dioxide
  13. Analysis Europa
  14. Analytical Chemistry
  15. Analytical Chemistry A-pages
  16. Analytical Consumer Magazine
  17. Analytical Sciences Journal
  18. Angewandte Chemie
  19. Applied and Theoretical Electrophoresis Journal
  20. Applied Spectrocopy
  21. Bentham Science Publishers
  22. Bentham Science Publishers, Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening
  23. Bentham Science Publishers, Current Medicinal Chemistry
  24. Bentham Science Publishers, Current Organic Chemistry
  25. Bentham Science Publishers, Current Pharmaceutical Design
  26. Bentham Science Publishers, Protein and Peptide Letters
  27. Beuth Verlag Publishers
  28. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journals Page
  29. Blackwell Chemistry Journals
  30. Brooks Cole, Chemistry
  31. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia
  32. Caltech Library System Online Journals List
  33. Canadian Journal of Chemistry
  34. Carbohydrates in Europe Magazine
  35. Central European Journal of Chemistry
  36. Ceramics-Silikaty
  37. CHED Newsletters
  38. ChemComm
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  40. Chemie in Unserer Zeit
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  65. Combustion Research Bulletin
  66. Computers and Applied Chemistry (Cina)
  67. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
  68. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences
  69. Current Drugs Journal
  70. Current Science
  71. Dyes and Pigments
  72. EDP Sciences: Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique
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  76. Elemental Discoveries
  77. Encyclopaedia Britannica
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  85. Fuel Cells Bulletin
  86. Guidelines for Fair Dealing in an Electronic Environment
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  88. Heterocyclic Communications Journal
  89. HYLE: Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry
  90. Impact Factors Of Chemistry Journals
  91. IM Publications
  92. Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
  93. INIST's Catalog of Articles and Monographs
  94. International Journal of Phytoremediation
  95. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
  96. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry
  97. Internet Bookshop: Chemistry
  98. Internet Journal of Chemistry
  99. Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy
  100. Ionics, International Journal of Ionics
  101. IRFAN Newsletter
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  110. Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
  111. Journal of Computational Chemistry (Abstracts)
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  113. Journal of Chemical Physics
  114. Journal of Chemical Physics Express
  115. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
  116. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
  117. Journal of Lipid Research
  118. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
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  120. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
  121. Journal of Molecular Modeling
  122. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
  123. Journal of Molecular Structure
  124. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
  125. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems
  126. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
  127. Journal of Physical Chemistry. (full article)
  128. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
  129. Journal of Porous Materials
  130. Journal of Porphyrins and Phtalocyanines
  131. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
  132. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
  133. Journal of Supercritical Fluids
  134. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society
  135. Journals of the IUCr
  136. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (Abstracts)
  137. Journals of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  138. Journal of the Taiwan Chemical Society
  139. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
  140. Khimiya Geterotsiklicneskikh Soedineny
  141. Links to Chemistry Journals and Other Scientific Publications
  142. Links to Journals From Biosciences; Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmacology
  143. Liquid Crystals
  144. Liquid Crystals Today
  145. Manual and Computer-aided Literature Searching
  146. McGraw-Hill Higher Education: Chemistry
  147. Molecular Physics
  148. Molecules
  149. Molecules Online
  150. Monatshefte fur Chemie
  151. Multimedia Journal of Chemical Education
  152. Nature
  153. NAUKA International Academic Publishing Company (Russia)
  154. Nauka Chemistry Journals: Agricultural Chemistry
  155. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Colloid Journal
  156. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Doklady Biochemistry
  157. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Doklady Chemical Technology
  158. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Doklady Chemistry
  159. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Doklady Physical Chemistry
  160. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Geochemistry International
  161. Nauka Chemistry Journals:High Energy Chemistry
  162. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Journal of Analytical Chemistry
  163. Nauka Chemistry Journals:Petroleum Chemistry
  164. Network Science
  165. Nucleic Acids Research
  166. NIR Publications
  167. NIST WebBook
  168. Oil & Gas Journal
  169. Online Abstract Submission for the 219th National Meeting of the ACS
  170. Online only Chemistry Journals
  171. Organic Chemistry Journals
  172. Our Environment
  173. PetroMin Magazine
  174. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
  175. Pion Publishers Ltd.
  176. Plastics Technical Reference Library
  177. Platinum Metals Review
  178. Polish Journal of Chemistry
  179. Pollution Engineering Magazine
  180. Polymer International (Abstracts)
  181. Popular Science
  182. Publishers' catalogs on-line
  183. Reactive Reports
  184. Reed Chemical Conferences
  185. Reviews in Process Chemistry and Engineering
  186. Revue Roumaine de Chimie
  187. RSC, Green Chemistry
  188. RSC Journal Alert Service
  189. RSC, Journal of Environmental Monitoring
  190. RSC, PhysChemComm
  191. RSC, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
  192. Russian Chemical Reviews
  193. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry
  194. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
  195. Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry
  196. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry
  197. Russian Journal of General Chemistry
  198. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry
  199. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry
  200. Science
  201. Science Careers
  202. Science Hypermedia
  203. Science Jobs  (New Scientist)
  204. Search engine for abstracts
  205. Solvent Extraction Lectures
  206. Spectrochim. Acta Part A
  207. Spectroscopy Europe
  208. Spectroscopy Letters
  209. Synthetic Metals
  210. Tables Removed from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
  211. Tetrahedron Information System
  212. Textbook Publishers
  213. The Annals of Improbable Research
  214. The CCQC Book of Knowledge
  215. The Chemical Educator
  216. The Chemistry Place
  217. The Foam Book
  218. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
  219. The Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy (IJVS)
  220. The Journal for the American Society for Mass Spectroscopy
  221. Theochem
  222. The Science Teacher
  223. The Scientist
  224. The Scientist Magazine
  225. The Wonderful World of Atoms and Nuclei
  226. Thin Solid Films
  227. Today's Chemist at Work
  228. Tom Keays Online Journal List
  229. TOP Science
  230. TrAC/Internet Article
  231. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing
  232. Trends in Analytical Chemistry
  233. Ukrainian Chemistry Journal
  234. Vibrational Spectroscopy
  235. Wiadomosci Chemiczne (Rivista della Società Chimica di Polonia)
  236. Wiley Chemistry Journals
  237. World Lecture Hall - Chemistry
  238. World Oil Magazine
  239. World Scientific
  240. Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
  241. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung



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